Thursday 23 October 2014

Case Studies

Case Studies – Media
The protagonist is Lucas – the main character; the opening sequence will focus on him and his thoughts while being talked to by the therapist. It will explore his thoughts through the montage and the iconography will be expressed through the use of objects in the room that they are present in. The research that I have done so far will be used toward the making in the opening sequence to help young teenagers relate to what the young teenage boy or even girl is going through hence the whole coming of age genre itself. The research will be used to decide on the mise en scene and it will be our main focus as a group – to help bring in the target audience through relatable issues. The voice over will be the man aspect during the 2 minutes = it will inform the viewers of the thoughts and feelings of the protagonist; talking about bipolar through the use of the research. I should get examples from movies such as The Fault in Our Stars or The Silver Lining.
The typical opening sequences always reflect on the protagonist through the use of voice-overs or flashbacks/day dreams. This can allow the audience to get a sort of feel on what the rest of the movie will be like and they may be able to get an idea on how the protagonist will be able to overcome obstacles in the coming of age genre.
For example, in the Fault of Our Stars the opening sequence here is the protagonist who is Hazel going through moments that she has already had in her life which means that the movie itself is what she has already experienced – in the past events. It shows moments where she has been happy.


Then you see the protagonist in the present looking up at the stars as she remembers her experience of everything that she has overcome during the whole movie – her cancer, and the loss of her boyfriend Augustus. In the voice over as the camera still remains on her face in a close up shot she says, “This is the truth... sorry.” This is a way of letting everyone see what she has been through but apologizes because it has affected her a lot in negative ways. This idea can be integrated upon my groups opening sequence so you can see part of what Lucas has gone through.


Wednesday 22 October 2014

Iconography - Bipolar

Iconography - Bipolar

Coming of Age Synopsis -- Final group pitch idea (Me, Marwa, Sumana and Hana)

Lucas is an endearing and naïve 17 year old boy who tries to settle in at his new high school, but of course it's the same old battlefield for him. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Lucas finds it hard to make new friends or any friends at all. He lives a very lonely lifestyle with his dad, the many faces of himself and his non-existent companions. One day Lucas is assigned an art project in pairs; eventually he introduces himself to his partner Ashley, a kindly natured girl. As time passes, the two became good close friends however all along he was pretending to be someone he's not and decides to throw away everything he's earned. When life begins to crumble Lucas has to deal with the harshness of reality and his eruptive disorder. 'Demonized' his whole life and struggling to escape everything inside (name to be announced) productions brings you a story of experience, truth and friendship.


Thursday 16 October 2014

My Coming of Age Idea (Short)

Coming of Age Idea

My idea of a story is the time where a self-obsessed woman overcomes her life in the technology world of social networking and learns to adapt to being able to interact with people in real life and to be able to express her life through real actions rather than a click on a website that is meaningless. She is a woman who cannot get her hands off her phone and is so reliable on it that she is unaware of her surroundings. This is a story of how a young woman finally realises what she really is like and decides to change up by getting a job, meeting new people and venturing off into the real world – to be able to not be self-obsessed but be completely selfless.

Analysis of the frames: American Horror Story  <--- to watch the opening sequence.

After watching the opening sequence, my view hasn't changed but it verifies what I have been talking about. The sequence is more graphical than anticipating and the shots between each flip through qute fast which can therefore make us as an audience jumpy. The show means the demands of a typical horror genre.

Analysing Frames - During class

In the last lesson, we analysed frames on opening sequences:

Friday 3 October 2014

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - Presentation

This is an addition to our presentation - mainly spoke and developed our answers through speech rather than having it all on Prezi.